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The Expert Air Source Heat Pump Installers

Budget friendly, space effective and quick and easy to install.

Why choose an air source heat pump?

ASHPs tend to be a popular choice because they are the most cost-effective option, have a simple installation process, and are compact enough to be placed almost anywhere, provided you have space for an outdoor unit. This means that they do not require groundwork to implement, reducing installation costs and time.

Running an ASHP is very economical, and they also have the flexibility to be fitted into existing heating systems. They are incredibly reliable devices, ideal for providing cooler summer months and warm winter nights.

selection of air source heat pumps
Air Source Heat Pump Installer

How do they work?

Ambient air is drawn in through a fan. Refrigerant is circulated within an evaporator in the unit. It absorbs heat extracted from the air and evaporates, turning it into a gas. (This process can occur in cold weather too).

How do they work?

The gaseous refrigerant is compressed, increasing its temperature and pressure. This hot, high-pressure gas moves into the internal unit and is passed through a heat exchanger (condenser coil). As the refrigerant cools down and releases heat, it condenses back into a liquid.

How do they work?

The heat extracted from the refrigerant is transferred indoors or to the water heating system. Hot air is then circulated throughout your property through ducts, radiators or underfloor heating.

How do they work?

The cooled refrigerant is passed through an expansion valve to release excess heat and pressure. It returns to the evaporator to begin this process again producing a constant flow of heat to warm your home. This process can be reversed during summer, removing the warm air from your home and pushing it outside.

The benefits of an ASHP

Compact icon Compact

Only a small amount of room for the indoor unit is required, which can be integrated into existing heating systems to optimise space. Space for an outdoor unit will also be required.

Installation icon Quick installation

Air source heat pump installation doesn’t require any ground excavation, which greatly reduces costs and disruption on your day to day.

Piggy bank money icon Economic

Compared to other heating systems, ASHPs are a cost-effective, reliable source of completely renewable energy.

Maintenance icon Low maintenance repairs

Units for an air source pump are generally above ground, providing more convenient accessibility than GSHPs.

Efficient cog icon Efficient

On a well-designed heating system with under-floor heating and an outside air temperature of 7°C, ASHPs can reach efficiencies of up to 5kW of heat for every 1kW of electricity used – 5 times the amount of energy from an electric storage heater.

Plant eco friendly icon Eco Friendly

Air source pumps have significantly reduced carbon emissions in comparison to traditional boilers.They can decrease your your usage of fossil fuel usage by 50%. (Note that location, installation, and external temperature all impact device performance and efficiency.)

green energy heat pumps icon

Save on energy and running costs

Installing a heat pump is beneficial for reducing your energy costs, and cutting down your carbon emissions. The amount of money you can save varies greatly based on heat pump efficiency and the size and insulation of the property.

On average, homeowners can save up to £400 a year when replacing a gas boiler. From oil heating, savings can be more significant – from £400-800 yearly. Switching electric heating for a heat pump can result in up to a £1000 annual reduction in bills.

Frequently Asked Questions

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