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January 14th 2025

Heat pump energy saving tips for this winter

We hope you’re all wrapping up warm this winter, as it’s been a cold one so far. Whether you already have a heat pump and want to keep energy bills low, or you’re considering investing in one to avoid the inevitable sky-high bill when the cold hits, it’s important to think about caring for your heat pump in the colder months. 

Despite popular belief, heat pumps are still an efficient heating tool when it’s chilly outside. An air source pump can extract thermal energy from the outside air, even from very low temperatures. A compressor within the pump will heat the air to a temperature that can warm your home. 

However, it’s important to have your heat pump set up to work efficiently during the colder months to ensure you’re not overspending on your energy bills. Read on for our top tips for saving money and keeping warm this winter. 

Are heat pumps reliable in the winter?

In comparison to traditional boilers, heat pumps are very efficient systems when it comes to withstanding colder temperatures. There’s no risk of running out of heating oil just when you need it or finding that the components have frozen up when you turn it on. 

This is because most modern air source heat pumps have an automatic ‘defrost mode’ to melt ice around them if needed. Rather than generating heat like your standard boiler, it transfers heat from the outside, meaning your energy bills won’t suddenly spike when winter draws in. With the right settings, a heat pump can save up to 50% on energy and running costs, all with reduced carbon emissions to be kind to the environment.

Let’s talk about the best things you can do to stay cosy during the winter, all whilst saving money on energy. 

1. Optimise your temperature settings

It might sound obvious, but make sure that you follow your heat pump’s recommended settings for winter comfort and efficiency. You can refer to a user manual to figure this out, but as a general rule, we recommend looking for an ‘eco’ or energy-saving mode during the colder months so you’re not tempted to whack up the thermostat. 

Frequently changing the temperature on your heat pump is also a no-go – doing this can cause your pump to work overtime to heat and cool your home to the desired temperature, which can be costly in the long term.

2. Use a smart meter

Many heat pumps can connect to a smart thermostat that learns your habits and daily routine – for example, keeping your home warm during the day or lowering the temperature when you’re sleeping or away. Modern smart thermostat technology is incredible, with options that can track when you leave the house to turn the heat down and increase it when you return. There are also features that adapt to the weather in real-time to prevent unnecessary usage. If you’re able to, we’d definitely recommend connecting your heat pump to a smart thermostat to stay comfortable and bring down energy costs.  

3. Maximise your heat pump performance

If you want your heat pump to take care of you, make sure you look after it, too. Ensure your outdoor unit is clear of snow and debris, and check and replace air filters regularly. Garden tools and other obstructions, such as bags or wood, should be kept clear of the pump to make sure cold hair doesn’t deflect back into it, reducing efficiency. 

If you find your heat pump isn’t working as well as it used to during the winter, speak to an installer about increasing the flow temperature.

4. Reduce your domestic hot water settings

Reducing your hot water temperature to 50ºC is still more than sufficient for legionnaire’s protection and for a hot shower. In fact, most modern shower systems allow a maximum temperature of 38ºC. Although a hot bath is tempting in the cold, make sure you programme your water to turn on when you need it as opposed to continuous settings to be mindful of your water bill.

Be mindful of insulation

Where possible, we would advise making sure your home is well-insulated and free of draughts from windows and doors. Seal off any cracks or crevices where the heat could escape, and during the night time, close your windows or blinds to trap in the heat. As with a traditional boiler, heat will leave the a house quickly if it’s not insulated properly.

6. Service your heat pump

One of our most important tips is to ensure you service your heat pump regularly. We’d recommend getting an engineer to service it annually, to prevent further issues that could cost you more in the long term. A qualified heat pump engineer may also adjust your settings to be certain that the system is working at an optimum level and, in turn, save you money. Book a service with us today via our website booking form.

A worthwhile investment for the winter

In short, so long as you’re mindful of keeping your heat pump working efficiently and make an effort to save energy when you don’t need it, you should be able to stay cosy and save money this winter. 

If you’re considering opting for a greener and cost-efficient heating solution for your property, get in touch today via our website or call us on 01603 406052.