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September 12th 2024

The risks of improper heat pump installation: why it’s not your typical DIY project

The cost of a professional heat pump installation may seem pricey at first glance, but in reality, it’s imperative for your safety, energy efficiency, and long-term reliability. A poorly designed and installed heat pump can lead to all sorts of problems in the long run, such as increased energy costs, property damage, and insurance implications.

Why you should leave it to the experts

Technical expertise and planning

Heat pumps can rarely replace an existing oil or gas boiler. To make the swap, you need a depth of understanding of thermodynamics and hydraulic systems. Installation also requires a lot of planning. Professionals tend to conduct a full heat loss assessment of your home to size the heat pump unit along with room by room heat loss calculation. This ascertains the energy required to heat each room so radiators and underfloor heating can be sized correctly. Incorrect system design can greatly affect the performance of your heat pump and impact your running costs and comfort.


To install a heat pump, you need a strong knowledge of the existing heating system and how to replace it. They work very differently to a traditional boiler, so knowledge of hydraulic plumbing and how to adapt an existing system for use with a heat pump is essential.

Incorrectly installed systems can drastically reduce the life span of the heat pump and may even require pipe work to be replaced or altered to repair it.

The cost of mistakes

Repair costs – You may not notice you’ve botched the job until issues start to arise with your heat pump, leading to frequent, costly repairs. 

Maintenance – Servicing your pump may also become a problem, as some professionals will refuse to work on a device if it isn’t MCS certified.

Void Manufacturer’s Warranty – In the same vein, warranties often become void if your heat pump hasn’t been installed by a professional. This means you aren’t covered for a system breakdown.

Resale Value Impact: Yes, that’s right. An improper heat pump installation can actually reduce the value of your property. A professionally installed pump is a selling point, whereas a DIY disaster has grounds for buyer concern and reduces selling appeal. 

Insurance Implications: Most home insurance policies have strict policies regarding major home installations and DIY. Improper heat pump installation may void these terms, leaving you with no cover if there’s a related incident. 

The benefits of a professional installation

Unfortunately, a DIY job just isn’t as simple as some people think. There are too many risks involved with installing your own heat pump, so it’s much wiser to turn to a professional. 

With the experts, your safety is guaranteed, and if your system breaks down, you’re covered by a shiny warranty sticker. A contractor will be aware of all protocols and building regulations, protecting you from any legal liability. They will have the skills, tools and knowledge to get the job done to a golden standard. 

They’ll also be around to consult you if anything goes wrong with your heat pump after installation; the responsibility will fall on them, not you.

Moreover, the pros can actually save you money. With the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), you can currently receive up to £6000 in grant money to replace your old fossil fuel-powered boiler with a heat pump. 

Look out for ‘MCS’ Certified

Make sure that your contractor is MCS certified to reap the real benefits of a professional heat pump installation. 

The MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) is a mark of quality for adherence to industry-recognised standards. With an MCS supplier, you can rest assured that you have complete consumer protection if things go wrong. 

MCS-certified contractors are experienced with following a strict set of performance and safety standards, making it easy for you to gain insurance protection for your heat pump after installation. 

You must also hire a professional with an MCS certification to qualify for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. 

After sale and support

When installing a heat pump, It’s important to be able to regularly service and maintain it over its lifespan.

When serviced regularly, energy efficiency can be maintained and you can spot any potential issues. saving the need for a major repair in the future. 

Make the switch the right way

At Heat Different, we’re committed to providing renewable heating systems for a greener future while saving you money along the way. 

We’re MCS-certified and will be there to advise and consult throughout the installation process. We’re happy to service your heat pump after it’s been installed to ensure longevity out of your investment. 

We carry out routine maintenance and support of your heat pump through its life span so you will always have a place to turn to should you have any issues.

If you’re looking for a heat pump installation or have any questions about which heat pump is right for you, get in touch by filling out our enquiry form or calling us at 01603 406052, and a member of our team will be happy to help.